dilluns, 13 de maig del 2013


The first week of April I went to the Basque Country to visit my family. I went there with my mum and my dad, and my brother stayed in Vilamacolum because he was on his exam's week. 

In the Basque Country I stayed in my aunt's house, she lives in Oiola neighbourhood and it belongs to San Sebastian. The first day we went to my uncle's restaurant and there we met all the family (cousins, aunts, uncles) we were 20 eating there.

The second day we went to Tolosa (Xabi Alonso's town) and there we went to a market to buy some typical basque things. There we met my aunt Montsita and my cousins Eider and Maitane and we went by car to the city center in Sant Sebastian and we went shopping. 

The third day we went to my other's aunt's house there we met with my cousins Iñigo, Nagore, Ion, Eneko, Iker, Julen and Maialen we had lunch together and we went to the town next from wher they live and we went to see horse racings.

I had an awsome time there! I love my cousins and I love the place.

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