dijous, 9 de maig del 2013


- Hello, welcome to "Famous World". Today we have withs us Cesc Fàbregas, a football player from Barcelona. Welcome to our show Cesc!
- Hi Lizi, thanks to invite me to your programme.
- Well let's start! What is your daily life in Barcelona like?
- Hummm... you know, it's really stressful. Ihave to combine my football player life with the family and all the stuff outside the team.
- Oh! I know what it is like. and what about your wife Daniela and your daughter Lia, are they ok?
- Oh yes!! They both are extremely well,actually today is Daniela's birthday and after the inerview we are going to have lunch in a restaurant.
- Let me ask you a question, and if you don't want to answer it don't worry, it is ok.
- I'm afraid... hhahahhahaha!
- hahahha... are there any plans of a marriage?
- Mmmm...not yet, but Daniela wants to have a wedding so we'll have to plan it.
- It's awsome. Thank you Cesc for coming.
- Oh no, thank you Liz for inviting me.
- Good bye and see you soon!
- Bye!

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