diumenge, 25 de novembre del 2012


I spend all my summer working on a fruit shop in Sant Pere Pescador. I worked from nine to one and from four to eight, from Monday to Saturday. At the biginning it was a bit hard, but then it was like my house. Apart from working, I hanged out with my friends too. We went to waikiki, to chic, we spend Sundays sunbathing on the beach, we played beach volley with deutch "guiris" and we did more amazing things. On the 9th of September, my family and I went to Barcelona to visit the famili and we stayed ther until the 11th for the protest march. That day was amazing, I felt like an ant in the middle of an enormous forest. 
I wanted to summarize my summer in just a phrase, but I can't so I will show you some pictures of it.

PD: I did a movie maker, but I can't postit on the blog. I don't know why!!

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