diumenge, 20 de novembre del 2011


Marco Simoncelli has died from the injuries he get in a crash on the second lap of the Malaysian Grand Prix.He was 24. Simoncelli was fighting for the fourth place with Alvaro Bautista when he lost the front of his bie and slid across teh circuit, into the path of Colin Edwards and Valentino Rossi. Both hit the Italian rider. During the incident Simoncelli's helmet come off. He was taken by ambulance to the circuit's medical center, but at 4:56 pm local tie, it was announced that simoncelli was dead. Evrybody was shocked after this accident, specially his friend Valentino Rossi.
Dani Pedrose once said that the only think that Simoncelli had in his head was hair, and I think the same as Pedrosa.
I think that anyone has to die in this way, but Simoncelli was a very agressive runner. Some people think that Simoncelli died immediateli, but some people think that he died in the Medical Center. And I have a very very big question, If Simoncelli has died immediately, why the doctors tried to revive Simoncelli fro 45 minutes?

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