diumenge, 3 de març del 2013


Each year since 2000 our friend's group during the "purissima" holidays we go to a a rural house during about four days. We are five families with four members in each family so we are 20 in a house. The first five years we went to Vilallonga de Ter, next year we went to Can Toni Gros and since 2006 we spend those holidays in Sant Joan de les Abadesses. 
The house we have in Sant Joan de les Abadesses is divided in three floors. In the first floor there is an enormous garge, a room where we have the washing mashine and another big room where we have a "futbolin", a pool table and a pingpong table. In the second floor there is a tolet and a bathroom, the kitchen, the hall where we play table games, the living room, and the dining room. Finally in the third floor there are two bathrooms and 8 rooms, there is a room for each couple, a room for the boys, another for the girls and the last one for the ones who just come one or two days.
The first day we spend there we divide all the house chores. The boys and fathers are in charge of cleaning all the first floor and they are in charge of recollecting wood for the heater and the girls and mothers are in charge of cleaning the second floor and we are in charge of cooking too. The ones who doesen't want to do those things are in charge of setting the table. 
I hope to spend more years going there because now we are like a big family and I don't want to lose everithing we have done there such as excursions in Ripoll or in Camprodon.

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