Genís is my brother and he is a year younger than me. He was born on the 11th november 1996 so now he is 16. We live in Vilamacolum with our parents and our two dogs Socks and Brisa. Currently he is studying CAFEMN in Illa de Rodes (Roses). This June he is going to take a horse riding exam and if he passes it he will go to study in Manresa a profetional training on horses.
He has brown hair, green eyes and he is darck-skined. He is quite tall and thin but I'm smarter than him. I think he is fairly stubborned and bossy but he is quiet cheerful and amusing. He is nice to other people and he always try to help them if they are in a trouble.
During his free time he likes to go horseriding with our neighbour, listen to music, hang out with his friends and play football. Every Friday evening Genís and I go to our playstation room and we spend like one hour and a half playing FIFA!! He usually wins but some times i win too.
I just want to say that Genís is the besth brother I could ever had!!
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