diumenge, 3 de març del 2013


When I was a child my dream was to be a cook. As I grew up, I've changed my way of thinking but my old dream stills being on my mind. Nowadays I caught my old dream and I make it a hobby. During my free time I like cooking desrts and appetizers. My best cake is the 3 chocolat cake. The first time I did this cake it was a complete desaster, I forogt to add yeast and it didn't grew up. Now I'm an expert doing this cake. Morover other cakes that I love cooking too are: muffins, birthday cakes, cookies...The appetizers that I cook are: quiches, potatoes omeletes, crackers...
This yera for Genís 16th birthday my mother and I cooked for 50 persons. I did all the appetizers and the birtday cake. Unfortunately I haven't got any photos of the appetizers and the birthday cakes!!
Currently, when it's the birthday of some of my friends I'm in charge of maiking their cake. I always ask what they want but they always let me choose what I want.

PD: I can't find more photos of all the cakes I've done.

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