dilluns, 28 de maig del 2012


To cook spagetti with carbonara sauce you need some esnetial ingredients and materials: spagetty, bacon, liquid cream, a frying pan and a pot.
First you have to put water inside the put until the water boils. When the water starts boiling you have to add the spagettis in the boiling water.
While the spagettis are boiling you can start doing the sauce.
To do the sauce, first you have to put the bacon in the frying pan, and fry it with high fire. When the bacon is fryed you can add the liquid cream and shake it slowly. When it starts boiling you have to slow dow the fire and conitnue shaking. After that you have to turn off the fire ande leave it until it dense.
While you are doing teh sauce you have to shake the pasta until it is cooked. After that you have to ------ the spagettis, put them on a bowl and mix the mith the carbonara sauce.

Bon appetit!

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