When we woke up we went to have breakfast and then we went to the music school. There we met the other choir and they showed us their music school. After the visit, we started the recelhals. We spend the whole morning prepearing the songs for the afternoon concert. At two pm we finished the recerhals and we went to have lunch with the guys from the other choir. After eating we had some free time and we went to do a little tour around la Seu d'Urgell. After the minitour we went to a church to do the concert. The concert was amazing, we did an awsome work. After the concert we had an snack and then we went to la Salle to reast. At ten we went to have dinner and in the dining room we met a basketball team. At eleven pm we went to a pub were we met the guys from the other choir. At one am we arrived to la Salle, and the oldest in the choir (Marina Costa, Homa Baldeh, Alicia Robles and I) we wen to wake up the boys from the basketball team. We were speaking until three am. After this we went to sleep.
dilluns, 28 de maig del 2012
I don't know what more I can explain as a "your-say" but I think that it will be nice to explain my trip to la Seu d'Urgell. The 27th, 28th and 29th of April, we went to la Seu d'Urgell on a choir meeting. I went there with the choir where I sing in l'Escala. We left the Frithay 27th at 6pm from l'Escala, and we went there by bus. We arrived in la Seu d'Urgell at 11pm; we could arrive earlier, but we had to stop in the half of the trip because everybofy was dizzy. When we arrived there we went imediately to la Salle (we were sleeping there). We left our luggage in the hall and we went to have dinner. After dinner we took our suitcases and we went imediately to sleep. We had an awful night because the youngests boys in the choir were awake during all night and they were running up and down the corredor, so we couldn't sleep well.
To cook spagetti with carbonara sauce you need some esnetial ingredients and materials: spagetty, bacon, liquid cream, a frying pan and a pot.
First you have to put water inside the put until the water boils. When the water starts boiling you have to add the spagettis in the boiling water.
While the spagettis are boiling you can start doing the sauce.
To do the sauce, first you have to put the bacon in the frying pan, and fry it with high fire. When the bacon is fryed you can add the liquid cream and shake it slowly. When it starts boiling you have to slow dow the fire and conitnue shaking. After that you have to turn off the fire ande leave it until it dense.
While you are doing teh sauce you have to shake the pasta until it is cooked. After that you have to ------ the spagettis, put them on a bowl and mix the mith the carbonara sauce.
Bon appetit!
Every Sunday morning I wake up very nervous just to sit in front of the TV to watch the formula one race. I get this passion from my mother. I've been watching races since I was very young. When I was little my fabourite driver was Michael Schumaher but when he dropped out I became supporting Fernando Alonso, even when he was Hamilton's team mate.
Louis Hamilton is the driver that I hate the most. He is very polite when he talks to the press but when he rides he is very very rude. He is always trying to push the other cars off the road. The other driver that I hate is Vettel, he thinks he is such a big head.
All in all I would say that I will continue watching the races although there are some rude pilots.
Louis Hamilton is the driver that I hate the most. He is very polite when he talks to the press but when he rides he is very very rude. He is always trying to push the other cars off the road. The other driver that I hate is Vettel, he thinks he is such a big head.
All in all I would say that I will continue watching the races although there are some rude pilots.
I'm thinking about my first year in batxillerat. It has been a wonderful year with plenty of exciting situations. We started on the 12th of Setember, I was very scared and I couldn't sleep during the whole night.
My first tern was horryble, I didn't study anuthing and I failed six subjects, Maths, Spanish, Economy, Business, Philosophy and PE. During th second term I could retake all my subjects unless Philosophy. The second term I just failed two subjects, Maths and Philosophy, and during the third term I could retake both.
Now I'm happy with my results, I colud have better marks because I'm not studying much but I feel proud of myself.
Next year I will have to start teh year studying very hard because I don't want to stay here another year.
Most of the people have learnd to respect our world. In my opinion we can do more but we are doing everything we can.
Nowadays everybody is trying to be more kind to the earth, we have learned how to recycle and what we have to do with our waste, but not everybody is doing this. Some factories are throwing their waste in t the river instead of throwing it in to the bins, they just do this because they want to save expenses.
I also think that if public transport was cheaper people would use it more and they wouldn't use their own cars.We have learned too how to save energy by turning off the lights when we don't need them and by saving water when we are having a shower.
All in all I would say that if we take care of the earth she will take care of us. It is like a vicious cyrcle.
dimecres, 16 de maig del 2012
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