I told to Lluís when was the last time he had seen the dog and he answered that he had seen him like two hours before. I imediately went to Lluís house to start to look for the dog. We ran all over the town trying to find the dog, but it wasn't anywhere.
When we finished to look in every place in the town, we went back to Lluís house to wait if the dog appeared.
While we were in the house we started to hear some noises, we run up the stairs and we heard that the noise came from the guest's room, we opened the door and it was Bobby. Then Lluís remembered that he put Bobby in that room because the dog was making some noise and he couldn't hear the TV.
Please Joana, can you read this little story again and correct the mistakes you've made...what were you thinking of when you wrote it ??
ResponEliminaThe letter M and K of my keyboard didn't work so good!! Sorry I have corrected.