dijous, 1 de març del 2012


On the 24th of december at night we did the “caga tió” with all my family. We arrived at my aunt’s house about 8 pm and we started to “cagar el tió”. This night is very magic for the little ones because they don’t know that it’s only a piece of wood, they believe that this trunk trows presents from it’s bottom.
On this night it’s very typical to eat soup with “galets”, a typical pasta soup and cannelons. A very typical desert from christmas are the nougat.
On the 25th at noon my family and I met at my other aunt’s house. There we had lunch all together and in the afternoon we did the “caga tió” again. More or les at seven we went to see the nativity scene were my cousins and my grandmother acted. And at nine pm we went to the “quina”. The “quina” is like a bingo but the people only play it on christmas.

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