dimarts, 27 de març del 2012


I've choosed this topic because New York is the city of my dreams. It's the place were everybody wants to go once in his life, and you can not die if you haven't been there.
I went there six years ago and I felt like an ant. Everything was enormous, the buidings, the food, the people, the shops... everything. It was a very strange sensation.
New York is located in the norteastern coast of the Unitet States. It's the 27th most extensive, the 3rd most populus, and the 7th most densely populated of the 50 United States. New York is bordered by New Jersey and Pennsylvania to the south and by Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont to the east. New York City, not New york State, has a population of over 8.1 million, is the most opulous city in the Unithed States.
When you arrive in New York the first thing you smell is the smell of hot dogs mixed with the smell of pretzels and with the smell of pollution. All those smells mixed create the particulary smell of New York City.
In New York you can visit a lot of things: museums like the MET (the metropolitan museum) or the museum of natural history, some important buidings like the empire state, the united nations, the ground zero in the world trade center or the statue of liberty, the Rockefeller Center. There you can go to a very famous shop called Schwartz. It has a piano posted on the floor and you can play it with your feet.

If you travel to New York you have to visit, do or eat some important things like: eat hot dogs from a stall, go ice-skating and walk throug the Central Park. You can forgot thoose things!!

It's amazing how a city can awake so many fealings. Now I'm saving money to repeat the travel!!

dilluns, 5 de març del 2012


Genís is my brother and he is 15 years old. He is tall and thin and he has brown hair and eyes too. He is very friendly but with the people he doesn’t know is very unpleasant. He is hard-working and very kind with his family and friends. He is a great flirtatious with the girls. He loves riding horses and bikes. At the moment he is saving money to buy a motorbike. In his free time he do athletics and he goes to extra enlgish classes. He is very good at athletics and he is very competitive but he is afraid of disappoint his team or his friends so he doesn’t want to go to the copetitions. When he was a child he wanted to be a horse but nowadays he is thinking of being a policeman.
In conclusion he is my brother and I don’t want to change him for nothing.

diumenge, 4 de març del 2012


The Costa Concordia cruiser ran aground on 13th January with more than 4000 passengers on it. By the time, sea rescuers have only found 17 bodies, but they believe that it could be more people inside the ship. All this happened the night of the 13th of January, when most of the passangers were in the dinning room. Suddenly, a loud noise accompained by a sharp blow, made off alarms.
Finally, the cruiser lurched to one side, and then toward the other. Slowly, the water started to came in and the panic started to increase in the passangers.
In the end, almost all the people survived and they could arrived at Giglio Porto, where they recieve medical attention.

In the end, the capitain was arrested as he was the person who decided to diverted to another route.



Canada is a country in the northern part of North America, bordered by the United States of America to both the south & to the west (Alaska). By area, Canada is the second largest country in the world in land area, after Russia. It has the longest border with water (coastline) of any country in the world. It is next to the Pacific, Arctic, and Atlantic Oceans.
Around 34.8 million people live in Canada's ten provinces and three territories, with the majority living in the southern sections of Canada. This is almost the same number as in the US State of California.
Canada has six time zones.
Canada Day on July 1: This is an opportunity to gather in our communities, from coast to coast, and to proudly celebrate all we have in common and to celebrate our achievements, which were born in the audacious vision and shared values of our ancestors, and which are voiced in nearly all of the languages of the world through the contribution of new Canadians.

Canada Day is a time to celebrate the heritage passed down to us through the works of our authors, poets, artists and performers. It is a time to rejoice in the discoveries of our scientific researchers, in the success of our entrepreneurs, and to commemorate our history.

Canadians eat a lot of beef and chicken, less pork then and some lamb. Other speciality meats such as bison (buffalo) is fairly easy to find. Canadians seem reluctant to eat other animals. Horse meat and goat aren't very typical.

Canada specialities:
Maple syrup: Canada is famous for maple syrup and maple syrup products. Canada makes about 80 percent of the world's maple syrup and the majority comes from the region of Quebec.

Poutine: Poutine, although originating in Quebec, is now found across Canada and is considered a typically Canadian dish. It is basically potato chips topped with curd cheese and gravy. Poutine varies across the regions, with some of the Maritime provinces adding meat to the dish, while other provinces use different types of cheeses.

Barbecue: Canadians love to barbecue. You will find barbecues in almost every yard (garden) and on many decks and balconies. Even a small balcony that is only large enough to hold perhaps two chairs will also have a barbecue. Most barbecues are gas and covered so they are easy to light up all year round. It is normal for Canadian families to barbecue in the middle of the winter when it is below zero with snow on the ground.


  • CN Tower
    A visit to Toronto is never complete without visiting the world's tallest building, the CN tower. It's at 553m above the ground the views of Toronto and Lake Ontario are unbeatable.
    Toronto, Ontario
  • Rocky Mountains (snow train to Jasper)
    The Rocky Mountains are an icon of Canada and an unparalleled sight that is impressive in every way.
    Jasper, Alberta
  • Banff National Park and Lake Louise
    In the heart of the Canadian Rockies is Banff National Park, a World Heritage Site designated by the UN.
    Banff, Alberta
  • Stanley Park
    A pride of Vancouver and the biggest park in the city. Stanely Park is over 1,000 acres in size. Surrounded by the Seawall, a walking, rollerblading and bicycle route that stretches 8km around the park, through original rainforest and past sandy beaches.
    Vancouver, British Columbia
  • Watch Polar Bears at Churchill
    Every year around September the northern Manitoba town of Churchill on the edge of Hudson's Bay welcomes its furry white visitors - Polar Bears. The bears move between the ice and the land during this time and pass by the town making polar bear watching tours possible.
    Churchill, Manitoba
  • Canada's Parliament buildings
    Loosely modelled after the British houses of Parliament, the Parliament Hill in Ottawa is the centre of Canada's federal government. Centre Block (the main parliament building) is free to visitors and it is possible to see the Commons and Senate.
    Ottawa, Ontario
  • Niagara falls
    The Niagara Falls, located on the Niagara River draining Lake Erie into Lake Ontario, is the collective name for the Horseshoe Falls and the adjacent American Falls along with the comparatively small Bridal Veil Falls, which combined form the highest flow rate of any waterfall in the world and has a vertical drop of more than 165 feet (50m). Horseshoe Falls is the most powerful waterfall (vertical height along with flow rate) in North America.


We chose this place because Joana went to Ottawa last summer. We think it's an amazing place with a lot of things to visit. Canada is beautiful and it has a wonderful history.
We hope you enjoyed it. =)
Thank you for listening to our oral presentation.

Have you got any questions??

In my opinion, our oral presentation was quite good. We did an amazing powerpoint with a lot of pictures and without many things written on it. Next time I'll try to not read the paper, i'll try to be more confident with myself. I tink that my pronunciation was quite good so this is the ony thing that i have to improve the less. For the next oral presentation i'll try to explain it with my own words.


It was three o'cock in the afternoon when the phone rang. I answered and it was Lluís telling me that Pere's dog, Bobby, had desapeared. He explained to me that Pere lended him the dog while he was on holidays so then he told me that I had to help him to find Bobby.
I told to Lluís when was the last time he had seen the dog and he answered that he had seen him like two hours before. I imediately went to Lluís house to start to look for the dog. We ran all over the town trying to find the dog, but it wasn't anywhere.
When we finished to look in every place in the town, we went back to Lluís house to wait if the dog appeared.
While we were in the house we started to hear some noises, we run up the stairs and we heard that the noise came from the guest's room, we opened the door and it was Bobby. Then Lluís remembered that he put Bobby in that room because the dog was making some noise and he couldn't hear the TV.


The oscars are a award bestowed by the AMerican of Motion Picture and Sciendes to recognize proffesionals in the film industry, including directors, actors and writers. The categories of awards are: The best actor and actress in a leadingRole, best actor ad actress in a supporting Role, best animated film and animated short film, best art direction, best cinematography, best director, best documentary...
This year the best film has been "The artist" a french film. It has won 5 oscars: the best director, the best film, the best actor in a leadin Role, the best original score and the best costume design.

In my opinion "the artist" is a good film, but I think that there are other films that my be they colud won the oscar for the best film, lie "Moneyball".

This year ceremony was a litle bit ridiculous and the star's dresses were very ugly compared with other years dresses.

I WENT ON A TV SHOW (invented story)

I have been on a TV show called Dance 4 all and it was the best experience i've ever had.
Before it started I was feeling very nervous, and the other contestants too. Then the presenter, Pepa Evans, came in and told us that we had not to worry.
When I went out on stage, everyone was clapping. I've never felt so excited and nervous. Before the music started playing, I began to wonder if I had done well to participate on thet contest. When I finished everyone clapped and cheered me. It was the most eciing experience I've ever had.
I won the contest, so I won 10000euros and a grant to study dance in the best school of arts in the world.
In the future, I wolud like to go to another TV Show.


There is no dubt that school cannot allow stealing. However, if a student is caught stealing at school, this should be immediately and permanently excluded.

In the one hand, school should exclud permanently if the robbery is big, for example, setaling a mobilephone or stealing money from other students. As a result, when the thief leaves school, he will continue stealing, first something small and then it will became bigger and bigger.

On the other hand, schools shouldn't exclud permanently because there are some other punishments like a fine or school service, for example, cleaning the playground or helping in the kitchen. Moreover the thief learns from their mistake.

In conclusion, I believe that permanently explusion isn't the best for the students. I think that some punishments are a better way.


Whith three wins apiece, Cyril Despres and Marc Coma ate tied in te roll of honour of the Dakar. But it is not a done deal that one of the twoo champions wil forge ahead of the other in 2012; the Aprilia, Yamaha, Husqvarna and Honda pilots, as well as their KTM teammates, are ready to overtake them without the silghtest hesitation.

Cyril Despres and Marc Coma have spent the last six years taking turns at winning the rally and do not seem to feel the burden of the years weighing on their shoulders. The two stars of this sport may very well end up crossing swords again, racing on identical KTM 450 motorcycles and with the same lieutenants as last year: Ruben Faria and Juan Pedrero, respectively. Racing in the same colours and being based in the same truck in the bivouac has provided an opportunity for the two Dakar favourites to smooth ruffled feathers. "We have toned things down a bit", explains Despres. Coma adds that "there is no need for sparks to fly between two sporting rivals". Although a quick glance at the rally's palmarès reveals that KTM's stars have the best shot at victory, their performances so far this year have exposed chinks in their armour which their rivals could exploit. Despres won the Rally dos Sertões but was later forced to abandon his last race in Australia, one of the few times in his career that he had to withdraw from a rally. Coma triumphed in the Pharaons Rally, the Rally di Sardegna and the Dubai Rally, but mechanical issues prevented him from finishing higher than 10th in the Morocco Rally, his last test before defending his title in South America.

I choose this piece of neew because I love the Dakar since I was a child. It's amazing how they can overcome all the obstacles that they find during the race so I decided to dedicate this piece of my blog to all the Dakar participants.


The festival of the Blue Moon is about to begin, and things are going smoothly for the smurfs, but Papa Smurf sees a vision of the future that is quite disturbing. The vision begins to play out in real life, as Clumsy Smurf inadvertently leads the evil wizard Gargamel to the smurfs' secret village. As they scramble to get away from the bumbling wizard, Clumsy goes the wrong way. Papa, Smurfette, Brainy, Gutsy, and Grouchy follow after him, and they all stumble upon a mysterious portal that sucks them away to a different realm Central Park, New York City. In a strange new "village" with Gargamel and his menacing cat Azrael hot on their heels, the Smurfs struggle just to survive. That is, until they find themselves in the cozy apartment of young married couple Patrick and Grace Winslow. Patrick is a clean cut marketing executive for the New York City based cosmetics company Anjelou, and kind and optimistic Grace is pregnant with their first child. When they find that they have some little blue visitors, Patrick and Grace, well more so Grace, accept the Smurfs and even befriend them. Despite the fact that Patrick's life is turned upside down and his big chance to succeed at work is put in grave jeopardy, he can't turn his back on his new, true blue friends. He does his best to help them escape Gargamel and get the tools and potions they need to open a portal back home, but in the end, it may be that the smurfs have helped him even more than he helped them.
I will recomend this film to all the families, from the younges to the oldest. It's a fantastic film to see with your family on a saturday afternoon with a popcorn can.


Dear Mrs Ma Lluïsa Pintó,
My name is Joana Bofill and I' in first batxillerat B. I just want you to know what I think about this high school.
There are some good things like the Christas decoration or the paintings that are on the walls. I think that the digital boards are a good idea for the ESO estudients, but it is a waste of time for the batxillerat students because we never use them.
This high school needs more colour because it is very sad and it needs to be happier and more powerful. Our play gound needs more trees to cast a shadow.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely,

Joana Bofill Capallera


Last weekend I went to Amer to visit my friend Dúnia.
I met her 2 years ago in an English Camp called Max Camps from British Summer. We were in the same room and we became very good friends.
I haven't met her since last weekend because she lives in Barcelona and I live in Vilamacolum so we didn't have the oportunity to see each other.
I went to la Colònia d'Amer because our mum's job had some houses there and she was staying in one of them.
We had a very very nice time. We took so many pictures and we visited a church in the top of the mountain.

divendres, 2 de març del 2012


Whith the high school we went to the education open door days in the Autonomous University of Barcelona and to Girona's Universty. There we went to listen to some informative speeches were they explain us everithing about the universty and all about the degrees.
Some friends and I went to listen the speeches about journalism, law, economics, busines and interprice.
We had a very great time there and I think that I've decided what I'm going to study: aeronautic administration.

dijous, 1 de març del 2012


On the 24th of december at night we did the “caga tió” with all my family. We arrived at my aunt’s house about 8 pm and we started to “cagar el tió”. This night is very magic for the little ones because they don’t know that it’s only a piece of wood, they believe that this trunk trows presents from it’s bottom.
On this night it’s very typical to eat soup with “galets”, a typical pasta soup and cannelons. A very typical desert from christmas are the nougat.
On the 25th at noon my family and I met at my other aunt’s house. There we had lunch all together and in the afternoon we did the “caga tió” again. More or les at seven we went to see the nativity scene were my cousins and my grandmother acted. And at nine pm we went to the “quina”. The “quina” is like a bingo but the people only play it on christmas.